Saturday, August 15, 2009

Excuse Me, What Party Is This?

I haded over to the MamaPopRocks Party at the Sheraton which was held at the Chicago Michigan A&B

This party was done on a smaller scale and when I first arrived I was probably one of about ten people. My experience with Pop Rocks is limited because they came on the market when I was a “Grown-up.” I still remember the rumors that Mikey of Life Cereal fame died when eating Pop-rocks. This was pre-Snopes days so the rumor had legs and added an air of danger to this popping candy. The other crazy rumor involved eating Pop Rocks and drinking carbonated soda would cause you to explode. Again an interesting rumor but it had no basis in fact. I truly wonder how many pre-teen boys consumed this candy with their favorite soda so they could brag to their friends how they were able to cheat death by doing so.

I hadn’t seen the candy in years to I grabbed several packs with the intent of sending them to my sons. I figured they would get a kick out of it.

Once upon a time friends might say I was a “light weight” now I just don’t care. I hate the praying to the porcelain god and who was I trying to impress with my drinking skills anyway. I decided to make my last drink of the night a vodka and tonic and I wound up carrying it around trying to seem more cosmopolitan than I really was.

You’ll have to excuse me because it was either the alcohol or the time schedule or a combination of both causes me to confuse the Mamapoprocks party and the Mommy needs a cocktail party. I walked back and forth between the two of them. I do know that there were chocolate fountains and martinis at the Momy Needs A Cocktail Party. I do not remember any swag but I do remember them saying that there would be some first come first served. I believe though that this particular party had a long line and they were checking names at the door. It appears mine was not on the list but that was just fine too because about forty-five minutes later I was in the door.

Then again it could have been the other way around. I could have sworn I had RSVPed but then it seemed I RSVPed almost every party. Still one or two of the parties did not show me on the list and with so many other opportunities to dance the night away I let it slide. Let’s face it in the real world “I’m not an A lister anyway.”

I did have such a great time. I kept going back and forth between the two rooms and as they say "All's Well That Ends Well."

I also did not attend the type-a momfluence party but perhaps I should have. I hear that 100 people received an HP Swag Bag. Had I known I probably would have camped out at the door to be the first one in. I understand the line was very large.

At this point one might think I’m there just for there at Blogher for the swag. Actually I had no clue at all about the scope of what we might receive. I think I was thinking key chains, tee shirts, and mousepads. I did not imagine in a million years that someone would just hand me a Microsoft Office Small Business Version or a Kodak HD Video Camera. I am the type of person who is thrilled when I wind up with a bag of twenty pencils after going to a trade show because my students can use them. I’m overjoyed when I walk away with a couple of branded pens because I can use them in my classroom.

I am not a person who walks around expecting people to throw coinage or rose petals at my feet. If I receive a sample in the mail I am overjoyed the rest of the day. I just love the cute little bottles or boxes in which samples are packaged. I’m the kind of person who can’t thank the DJ enough if they give me a T-shirt with the Radio insignia on it. The swag was not the icing on the cake it was the cherry and whipped cream on the cake. It was that added bit of flourish that said, “You are important to us and we realize it.” For someone who spent a great deal of her life wanting to be important to someone this was all very heady stuff. I will come back to this thought more than once as I talk about what happened here at BlogHer

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